Tuesday, August 4, 2009

danzbuddies 10th Anniversary Celebration - 'Hawaiian Nite' Theme Party

Saturday, 1st August 2009

Our danzbuddies, their families and friends turned up in full force (all 240 of them) to help make our 10th Anniversary Celebration Party the best we've ever had! It helped that we had a great venue - The Stewords Riverboat at Marina South Pier. We had the run of the whole Riverboat - with nice dining Restaurant on the Main Deck, Line Dancing and Ukulele Band performance on Deck 2 and al fresco dining and fireworks watching on the top deck.

The decor was nice and gave us a feel of being at a Hawaiian beach resort. It was good to see so many danzbuddies in grasskirts, with flowers in their hair and garlands round their necks. All those Hawaiian attires really add so much colour to the party. A big 'Thank You' to all those who dressed up for the ocassion.

All were having such a great time dancing away when the proceedings were suddenly interrupted - "Miss Hawaii" made her appearance and pandemonium broke out in the dance hall with everyone rushing forward to mob the scantilly dressed Hawaii lady.....

It took the Ukulele Band quite a while to regain their composure after Miss Hawaii's surprise appearance - they then played the nice "Pearly Shells" song which had everybody dancing away again - with Miss Hawaii leading the way.
After that, everyone wants a picture with Miss Hawaii and she had a hard time keeping the guys' hands off her coconut cones.....

Many thanks to Richard Chong and his 'Uke4Christ' Ukulele Band for providing us with such real authentic "hawaiian" mood music........

And a big 'Thank You' to all our friends and guests for taking time to join us in our celebration of 10 years of friendship through dance......

Grateful thanks to Alan Khoo and William Mok for the photographs.....

I hope everyone enjoyed the party as much we did - this was not just another ordinary party....this was an event that was born and executed 'straight from the heart'.......one that was filled with a lot of warmth, love, creativity, kindness, sharing and above all , the essence of true friendship! And so, cheers to our tens years of Friendship and fellowship - and to more great years ahead together as buddies in dance....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great party which I missed as I was away that week end experiencing "tear gas and protesters." God bless all your events.