16th & 17th February 2010
It was a very early morning wake-up for us on Tuesday as we had to leave the Medina Grand at 5.00 am, arriving at the airport at 5.30 am to catch the 6.30 JetStar flight to Adelaide. The flight was on schedule, we arrived at the Adelaide Airport, was met by Peter 'Bicycle Waltz' Heath who whisked us off to his home in Salisbury, north of Adelaide City where we were to stay for two nights. After a quick wash, it was off to Peter and Liz's basic level class.

It was an enjoyable class. We even shared a dance with them - 'Wanna Dance' which everyone enjoyed. After class, we were treated to a nice pizza lunch at a nearby Cafe.

After lunch, we took an afternoon rest, had 'Tea' (more like dinner) with the family and then went to join an 'Advanced Level' Class taught by Liz. She was not feeling so well, so we had Peter taught us the dances for the night.

The next morning we joined another basic level class of Liz - and this time we were having Sandra doing relief duty on behalf of Liz. We enjoyed another great line dance session and were happy to share with them "Pretty Little Baby" which was well received.

After the class, we were guests of a group of Liz's students - a very nice friendly group of line dancers who were originally from Malaysia. They brought us to a couple of their homes, showed us their fruit trees in the garden and treated us to a nice lunch in Chinatown

Back to the home of Peter and Liz Heath we went to prepare for a "re-union" dinner party they had arranged for us to meet the group who had visited us in Singapore last June. It was good to see them again and it seems like we have been friends for so long. Our thanks to each of them for taking the time to come and see us again.

A Big 'THANK YOU' to Peter and Liz and family for hosting us and for their very warm hospitality. We enjoyed staying at their mansion..........
We must also thank all of the 'Line Dancers of South Australia' we met - all of them have been so friendly and helpful to us during our short stay in Adelaide. We hope that many of them will come and visit us in Singapore for us to return the warm hospitality shown to us.

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