Monday, December 20, 2010

danzbuddies Wednesday Class - new dances

hi danzbuddies,
Details of dances for December 29th class is as follows:
- 'All You Need' by Robbie McGowan Hickie. 32 count 4 wall beginner level dance. no tag, no restart. Using a nice Brad Paisley song "All You Really Need Is Love". An easy "no stress dance".
- 'If I Had You' by David Hoyn & Mark Shay. 64 count, 2 wall , intermediate level dance with one restart on wall 3. The song used is 'If I Had You' by Adam Lambert. It is a fast song but not to worry the dance steps are easy to catch.
- 'Burlesque' by Norm Gifford. 64 count, 4 wall, intermediate level dance with one restart on wall 2. . Song used is from the Movie of the same name - 'Welcome to Burlesque' by Cher.

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