The Five Element Vegetable Broth is a Life Extension Herbal Formula......a natural solution for good health, vitality and rejuvenation. For details about its history, testimonials, scientific details of the ingredients, go to Google and search for
'' and/or 'dr. tateishi kazu'.
What the Five Element VegeBroth may do:
- heal cancer
- restore injured joints and bones
- slow down ageing process
- rejuvenate the skin
- heal cataract
- heal liver disorder
- lower blood pressure
- improve cardiovascular conditions

16 oz (450 g) daikon (white radish)
8 - 10 oz (abt 250 g) daikon greens (white radish leaves)
8 - 10 oz (abt 250 g) carrot
8 oz (abt 250 g) burdock root ('nui pang' in chinese, 'gobo' in japanese)
3 - 5 pcs Fresh JAPANESE shitake sun-dried mushrooms. If not sun-dried, expose to sun for a few hours.
* Do not peel anything
* Do not mix with any other ingredients to avoid undesired interactions
* Do not add any meat or seasoning
* Use only organic vegetables
* Only cook in a stainless steel or glass pot
Put above items into the pot and fill the pot with three times the quantity of water (12 - 15 cups). Bring to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for an hour or so. Strain and drink
Store unconsumed soup in a GLASS container and put in the fridge. Finish up the soup within two days.
- using wrong kind of ingredients, especially the Chinese Shitake mushrooms instead of the Japanese Shitake mushrooms.
- Not following the proportion of vegetables as indicated.
- Using wrong type of pot - must use stainless steel or glass pot.
- Leaving the soup outside in room temperature for more than six hours
(it becomes bad-smelling - throw away , do not drink!). Always store in glass container and in the fridge.
Pek Kio Market, Cambridge, Stall #01-70 - 'Healthy Vegetable Stall' sells organic vegetables. You can get all the ingredients from them - tell them you want ingredients for 'five fragrance soup' ('wu xiang tang' in chinese, the guy will know what you want!)
I usually pay about $10.00 for one purchase of the above required quantiy.
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