13 May 2009
hi danzbuddies,
here are dances to be shared this week:
- 'The Promise' new dance from Bill Larson, 36 count, 4 wall, beginner level. Nice country love song 'The Promise' by Jody Jenkins . An easy waltz dance. Enjoy the song and dance along.....
- 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' by Maria Hennings, 36 count, 4 wall, beginner level. Danced to a Elton John/Kiki Dee song of the same name. Another easy to do dance, but watch out for the 2 restarts and 2 tags........
- 'La Secret' , the next BIG dance from Robbie McGowan Hickie. 4 wall, phrased dance. Intermediate level. Interesting dance with different counts for each of the walls. Great sound track - 'La Voix' by Malena Emman. may take a bit getting it, but will be worth the effort.
- 'Tong Nian' , a danced revised by Emily Ding. 32 count, 2 wall , beginner dance. Very easy.
Love the cute little song that goes with it......
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