Next, we went for a ride on the MTR to busy the Tsim Sha Tsui neighbourhood to shop and do some 'walk-about' - re-visited the historic Peninsula Hotel which I had the pleasure of staying in during the late 80s.......
Time to take a rest - we were led to the very popular 'Sweet Dynasty' dessert restaurant where we had their famous 'bean curd' desert (served in a barrel for six!). It was great to then meet up with our long lost 'MIA' danzbuddy Shandy Soh, now a Hong Kong resident.
After the 'dessert stop', it was time time to go for dinner - with our 'gourmet guide', Kim who is a good friend of Lay Kuan, Maggie and Shandy. We were brought to Lei Yue Mun - a 'hidden gem' of a place which is quite off the beaten track for a most wonderful seafood dinner.
On arrival at the Seafood paradise, the first order of the night was to go to one of the many seafood shops to view, select and buy whatever we fancy eating that night........ and then arranging for one of the restaurant there to cook and serve the dishes desired.
It was a most sumptuous seafood dinner at one of the best seafood restaurant in Lei Yue Mun in a most interesting location. We said a big 'Thank You' to Kim who brought us there and also to Shandy's husband, Desmond for sharing cost of the dinner with Kim........
Friday, 27th November 2009
We woke up bright and early and went for another round of 'congee' breakfast, after which it was shopping again - this time over on Hong Kong island. Everyone got back to the hotel ontime at 3.30 pm for the onward journey by train to Shenzhen..... Taking the train to the Luoho border town was the easy part, the challenging part was fighting with the crowd to get through immigration, filling in the health declaration and wheeling the luggage to the hotel.

END OF PART 1......to be continued