here are details of dances to be taught this week,
- 'Call Me Crazy' by Sebastian Holtland. 48 counts, 4 walls , intermediate level. One restart at Wall 3. Song is 'Crazy Progressive' by Kaci Battaglia. Steps are easy but the song is quite fast. You'll need to be focussed to keep in step. A nice enjoyable dance. Click to see video.
- 'Here 'Til The End' by Ryan King. 64 counts, 2 wall, intermediate level. One restart during wall 2. Nice song 'Do You Wanna Be My Friend. by Alex Swings Oscar Sings'. Easy to learn steps, should be no problem for most. Click to see video.
- 'Walking In The Rain' by Maggie Gallagher. 64 counts, 4 walls, intermediate level. Another nice song fro Alex Swings Oscar Sings 'Walking In The Rain'. Steps are nice and easy. There are two simple tags at the end of Wall 2 and Wall 4.