For this week, we're trying out 'no stress'type of dances:
- 'Singing The Blues' by Maggie Gallagher. 32 count, 4 wall, beginner level with 2 tags and 1 restart. You don't expect such a simple dance from Maggie Gallagher, but here it is - a really easy dance with a nice Cliff Richard & the Shadows song - 'Singing the Blues' from their 'Reunited 50th Anniversary album.
- 'Fly Baby Blue' by Audrey Watson. 32 count, 2 wall, beginner level. Danced to a lively song - 'Baby Blue' by Mark Medlock. Another easy dance with 4 easy tags.
- 'Feel Your Love' by Robbie McGowan Hickie. 64 count, 4 wall, intermediate level. Song used is "Feel Your Love' a fairly fast number. Steps are a bit challenging but, as with most of Robbie's dances are not too complicated as to cause stress. A promising number....
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