Monday, February 20, 2012

Appreciation Awards for danzbuddies

Saturday, 18th February 2012

Tanglin CC recognised the 12-year long contribution of danzbuddies to the CC's line dance scene with a "remarkable contributions..." award presented to Rosemary by Grassroots Adviser Minister Lui Tuck Yew at Tanglin CC 'Volunteers Appreciation Nite'

K C Ang received two awards for long service to Tanglin CC SCEC and for support of Tanglin Music Club recent music studio renovation project.

A big 'THANK YOU" to all danzbuddies who came to give us your heart-warming cheers - you really showed our strength with the big turn-out. Thanks also for supporting our danzbuddies, Alan & Margaret Khoo who were helming the Ukulele Band performance at the courtyard.

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